
MAD Bars House Lviv

  • Restaurant
  • Bars & Pubs
  • Near city center
10, Shevska St. Address

Пн-Пт 12:00 - 23:00

Сб-Нд 10:00 - 23:00

Working Hours

MAD Bars House is a real beehive in which everyone will find what they like.⠀

The facility is located in the center of Lviv at 10 Shevska Street in a six-story building and has 5 different formats and a rooftop space.⠀

All 6 floors have one thing in common - the degree of alcohol will increase with each floor, but few people know that the decibel level will increase with each floor!

The interior of MAD is about authenticity, tradition and pleasure, and the task of our company is background sounding of the establishment and giving the "hive" a special voice!

MAD Bars House — це справжній вулик, у якому кожен знайде те, що йому по душі.⠀
MAD Bars House — це справжній вулик, у якому кожен знайде те, що йому по душі.⠀

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