
Storage Room in the center of Lviv

  • Leisure
  • City center

Conveniently. Close. Reliable

How to make the trip more convenient and where to find Storage Rooms in the center of Lviv?

The Storage Room location is easily findable - near the main tourist atractions and routes. The price will pleasantly surprise you.


Reliable Storage Rooms in Lviv, city center.

Reliable Storage Rooms in Lviv, city center.

Storage Room №1 is located near the Opera House, at Svobody Avenue, 35

(in the courtyard near McDonald’s).

Contact numbers:

Storage Room №2 is located a few meters to Rynok Square at  Shevska Street, 12

(Vernissage Lviv Mall).

Contact numbers:

Storage Rooms are open daily, without weekends from 07:00 till 22:00. The work schedule is convenient for guests of the city who arrive in Lviv in the morning and leave the city late in the evening.

Therefore, you do not need to worry about storage space for a suitcase, backpack or any other item and overpay the hotel or apartment for late check-out or early check-in.

Why is it convenient to leave luggage in the storage room?

  1. Location is in the very city center. Storage Room is easy to reach, even if you have heavy suitcases, as there are no curbs or numerous crossings across the road.
  2. If you arrive in Lviv in the morning and check into a hotel or apartment at lunchtime, it will be convenient to leave your luggage and take a walk around the city ampty-handed.
  3. In case of morning chech-out, you can use it to make your stay in Lviv comfortable. Visit tourist places, museums, city attractions or go shopping with your hands ampty of suitcases or backpacks.
  4. Keeping your belongings in the Storage Room “Your Baggage”, you’ll have instant access to them throughout the day. You can take back or put up anything from your bags without restrictions and at any convenient time.

How to get to Storage Room?

In order to conveniently get to our storage rooms using public transport, we recommend the following routes:

The best way to get from the train station is the №1 tram route, which stops a few meters from the main entrance. You need to get to the stop "Severina Nalivayka Street”. Both Storage Rooms are within reach from that tram stop.

Trolleybus  №29  goes from the airport. You need to get to the final stop "University". The fare of these vehicles is 7 UAH if you buy a ticket from the driver and 6 UAH If you buy a ticket with qr-code, placed in the cabin.

How to leave luggage? Why are our Storage Room reliable?

  1. After checking-in your luggage, you will receive a special token number, which will be given to you by our employee.
  2. Storage Room is secure because our staff is responsible for keeping your belongings safe. In addition, the room is equipped with video surveillance with recording. We guarantee that no one will touch your things during the period of storage.
  3. There is enough free space in the storage compartments, so you don’t have to worry that there will be no separate space for your suitcase or backpack. If you know the exact date of arrival in Lviv and want to book a place in the storage room in advance – you  can do it online at the link - easily and conveniently!


  • The cost per unit of luggage vary from 25 UAH. up to UAH 60
  • The cost of storage depends on the size and weight of luggage, our employee will evaluate each piece of baggage.
  • The price is indicated for the storage of each individual piece of baggage up to 24 hours.
  • After the end of the time subscription (24 hours) you need to make a payment for the next day of storage in advance.
  • A payment chech is issued by the employee at the request of the client.

Storage rules:

Rules that are useful to know in order to leave luggage in the storage room:

  • We can accept quite heavy luggage for storage, but it is worth knowing that the weight should not exceed 80 kg or 175 lbs.
  • Belongings that are attached or tied to your bag are considered a separate unit and require additional payment in accordance with the established prices.
  • You do not need to leave copies of documents or have original documents with you for identification, but for registration our staff will ask for your contact details (surname, name, and phone number).


  • It is forbidden to take on the storage animals and birds, weapons, drugs, explosives, flammable, (alcohol, benzene, acetone), fireworks, infectious, radioactive, corrosive and poisonous substances, and also things that smell unpleasantly or may contaminate or spoil other things and Storage Room. The decision to refuse to accept baggage in "Your Baggage" is made by a worker of the luggage room by explaining to the client the reasons of refusal.
  • If within thirty days the owner will not take things that have been deposited in the luggage room, it means the owner voluntarily renounced ownership of these things and does not want to receive them. Such things are in dispose of the owner of ‘"Your Baggage". That is why we recommend to be careful, and do not to forget about the things left in the Storage Room.

The storage room is also a great helper for any business in the center of Lviv.

You no longer need to carry heavy and uncomfortable items with you, as there is a possibility to leave it in the Storage Room!

This is a great solution and the answer to the question: Where to leave the camera, drone, video equipment in the city center for storage? Where to leave  things purchased on shopping and continue walking around the city?

We wish you a comfortable and easy trip to Lviv! Remember that your luggage can be safely preserved in the Storage Room "Your Baggage" in the city center of Lviv!


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