
Exhibition of paintings and graphics by Viktor Zhmak

  • Exhibitions

The breadth of motifs and uniqueness of compositions in the works of Viktor Zhmak: landscapes, still lifes, narrative paintings, portraits, nude nature, and abstract painting.

About the artist

Viktor Zhmak was born on July 14, 1954, in Tokarivka village, Zhytomyr region.
He studied at the Faculty of Architecture of Lviv Polytechnic National University.
An architect by profession and an artist by vocation, Viktor Zhmak successfully combined and developed these two main directions in his life. Since 1991 he has been actively participating in all-Ukrainian and foreign exhibition projects. In particular, personal exhibitions of the artist were held at the National Museum named after Andrii Sheptytskyi in Lviv (1995), at the Lviv Palace of Arts (2015), "Flowers, Wine and Horses" (Madame Palmgren Gallery, Lviv; 2018), "In anticipation of the holiday" (Proart Gallery, Lviv; 2018), etc. The author's works include landscapes, still lifes, and figurative and abstract paintings.


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