
Exhibition "Stone chronicle of Pomorians"

  • Exhibitions

Magurycz is a non-governmental organization founded in 1987. The main activity of the Informal Group of Stonemasons is the preservation and protection of sacred places, visible traces of the multi-ethnic culture of the Low Beskid and Bieszczady.

The founder of MAGURYCH is Shimon Modrzejewski, a stonemason, public figure and punk. Every summer, like-minded people gather at summer camps - workshops where they inventory and document tombstones, roadside crosses and chapels, as well as any objects of Orthodox church art that are left unattended, in the areas once inhabited mainly by Ukrainians, but also by Jews, Poles, Gypsies and Germans.

The preservation of these landscape elements has a significant impact on the modern perception of the region as a place where different cultures and religions coexisted until recently. From November 1 to 14, you can visit the exhibition, which presents the long-term work of the Informal Group of Stonemasons and get better acquainted with the activities of the Magurych organization


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