
The play "Life of P.S."

  • Performances

"Life of P.S." is a play based on the autobiographical book by Valeria Burlakova, a veteran of the war in Eastern Ukraine. It describes the other side of the fighting through the eyes of a woman who found a loved one on the front line.

The story opens the curtain on uncomfortable topics of the modern history of the country: military life, discrimination against women soldiers, distortion of facts through the media, etc.

The book is actually a front-line diary, which depicts a reality different from ours. Sometimes cruel, sometimes absurd, and sometimes giving hope and meaning to life. The viewer will be able to get acquainted with the truth about the war through the prism of Valeria's memories. And just as memories sometimes resemble a dream, the reality represented resembles life in a dream, where the protagonist already knows in advance everything that she will have to experience, but cannot prevent the inevitability of events.


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