Do you believe in karma? And in Carpathian molfars? And in global warming? And in the end of the world? And in the fact that trees communicate with each other? And in the extraordinary power of art?

Believe it or not, one day the Lumberjacks will come down from the walls of the House of Life in Kolomyia and say: "An eye for an eye" - and there will be nothing to object to them, because this is the most honest formula in the world At the same time, a pelekhata Hutsul woman Namishka will bake a roll with athenas and sit down to play the drymba, which her lover did not give her

And then the wood from which your fashionable Ikea shelf is made will whisper: "Fuck me, what kind of people are these?"

That will be the point of no return...

Театр Лесі Українки запрошує на виставу "Галдамаш".
Театр Лесі Українки запрошує на виставу "Галдамаш".
Театр Лесі Українки запрошує на виставу "Галдамаш".

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