
Play "The farce of honesty"

  • Performances

The play is little known and not popular outside Italy, unlike "Six characters in search of the author" and "Henry 4". In Ukraine, it has not yet been staged in any theater. The premiere of the first production took place in November 1917 in Turin. In Italy the play is quite popular, it is often staged, in the 60-70s several feature films based on it were made.

Pirandello is one of the most influential playwrights of Italy of the 20th century. An outstanding theater theorist, founder of the influential direction of the "theater of the grotesque". Winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1934 for "creative courage in the revival of stage and dramatic art".

"Social mask" is the leading theme of Pirandello's work. Based on this, he chose an artistic technique - stylization of the play as a "theater of masks", a traditional Italian folk "commedia dell'arte".

In the center of the plot is a scam with a fictitious marriage.


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