
Concert "Classic: Legally"

  • Concerts

As a rule, no one expects anything good from a lawyer's pen. Claim, appeal, complaint, claim... And this is not a complete list of the results of legal creativity. But ... Do you know what unites such outstanding composers such as Georg Friedrich Handel, Ernest Chausson, and Georg Telemann? That's right, they were all lawyers by education. And it is not surprising, because lawyers have always been educated, versatile, creative and creative people. They were respected, listened to, and admired. Their words had to sound like music and touch the innermost strings of the human soul. Many of them drew inspiration from music or, on the contrary, inspired by the beauty of law, created their musical masterpieces. Music of composers-lawyers performed by organist Olena Matseliukh - exclusively in the Lviv Organ Hall.


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